One of my most important goals in the treatment of women has always been to understand the cause(s) of their pain and to develop individualized and targeted treatment approaches. With more than 30 years’ experience I can most often determine the cause of the patient's pelvic pain disorder using simple tools such as pain questionnaires, reviewing records from previous evaluations and/or therapies and most importantly carefully listening to the patient and letting her tell the story of her journey and attempts to get care for her pain. It is very common that once she understands what is causing her pain that understanding alone represents a major breakthrough in the treatment of the pain.
Education has been a major part of my practice because I feel strongly that if the patient and her loved ones better understand the causes of the pain and the multiple pain generators that are still present and perpetuating that pain then we together will be more successful at getting the pain to resolve. To this end I would encourage you to go to my YouTube channel: Pelvic Answers and checkout a series of videos that cover all the various types of pelvic pain disorders. The goal is always to help patients understand “why they have pain and how to make it go away”