why do i have pressure all the time?
There are many reasons for the relatively vague symptom of pelvic pressure. A careful evaluation to rule out problems such as a large ovarian cyst, a fibroid uterus, urinary retention or pelvic organ prolapse is certainly required as the first step. If none of these problems are found, the most common reason to have pelvic pressure is high tone pelvic floor dysfunction. This pressure may manifest in symptoms that make you feel like you have to constantly urinate. You may feel that you constantly need to have a bowel movement but instead the sensation of pressure is coming from muscles that are too tight and are uncomfortable. Women who have experienced a full-term pregnancy know that feeling of pressure, “like everything is falling out”, and this symptom is caused by your pelvic floor muscles being uncomfortable. Your goal is to find out why your muscles are uncomfortable so that you and your provider can make that symptom go away.