Why do I have pain after my endometriosis was removed?

We have a much better understanding of endometriosis and its related pain disorders now than we had in the past.  It is quite clear that between 60-87% of women who have endometriosis pain will also experience pain arising from other areas as a result of central sensitization.  This is a problem that is directly related to the years of severe menstrual cramps and pelvic pain that have triggered hypersensitivity in the nerves both within the pelvis as well as within the central nervous system. It is the cause for persistent pain that occurs after patients have undergone extensive surgery for removal of endometriosis.  The provider that is helping you with your endometriosis pain should be fully aware that the removal of endometriosis alone is often not enough.  I encourage you to actively find a provider that understands not only how to treat endometriosis but also how to treat endometriosis related pain.