Why do I have burning at my vaginal opening?
There are many causes for burning discomfort at the vaginal opening. A simple evaluation by a provider that understands the potential causes should be able to make your symptoms quickly resolve. If the burning has been present for only a few days, infectious often underlie this symptom. A simple vaginal culture looking for problems like a yeast infection or bacterial overgrowth will quickly identify if an infection is the cause. If your symptoms have been present either continuously or off-and-on for several months, then your problem may represent a skin condition called lichen sclerosis which affects approximately 5-7% of all women. Vulvodynia is another possibility, especially if you have other pelvic problems such as interstitial cystitis, endometriosis or high tone pelvic floor dysfunction. A simple evaluation by a pelvic floor specialist will quickly determine the cause of your symptoms. This is a common problem that patients often try to ignore, but with proper care it should quickly resolve. If burning at the vaginal opening is allowed to continue for several weeks or even months it often will contribute to the development of other problems including pelvic floor pain, urinary frequency, voiding dysfunction and pain with intercourse. It is important not to ignore this symptom and get the care that you deserve.