Trigger point injection

When muscles become hypertonic and tender, the tenderness is often associated with a localized “knot” that when palpated will often trigger pain that radiates several inches away from the site of palpation.  This knot is called a trigger point.  When people have muscle pain, we commonly attempt to use simple steps such as heat and massage to make that tender spot go away.  When you develop pelvic floor trigger points, manual physical therapy involving those trigger points can be quite beneficial.  Oral medications can also be used and more recently the use of photobiomodulation (SoLá Pelvic Therapy) has been added to our array of options. Other treatments to try to resolve this tender spot include trigger point injections using local anesthetic. Some providers will include steroids injected into the knot using a needle and a transvaginal technique.  When your pain is localized this option is quite beneficial but does typically require a series of at least 2 or 3 injections.  Injections are painful and they do not always work - especially if your provider is not skilled at performing this procedure.