How to pass stool without pain?
There are many reasons why a person might have pain with bowel movements. Of course, the stools should be soft and hopefully your provider has ruled out the presence of asymptomatic hemorrhoids, anal fissures or other rectal or anal problems. Pain with bowel movements related to muscles that are hypertonic and do not relax well during the process of defecation (passing stool) is a very common symptom related to muscles that are hypertonic. The pain can actually occur immediately prior to a bowel movement, during the bowel movement or immediately after a bowel movement. Frequently, patients with this symptom will also have spontaneous episodes of rectal pain or rectal spasms that are unrelated to bowel movements. This is a classic symptom in people with pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic floor pain. Therapy revolves around the ability to get your muscles to relax and stay relaxed while you are passing stool. Therapy is directed towards the muscles - as noted previously - and includes medications, physical therapy, SoLá pelvic therapy as well as Botox injections.