How do I stop the Urinary Frequency?
The first step in understanding the symptom of urinary frequency is to understand what volume of fluid you are drinking each day. Normal fluid intake is 48-64 ounces-rarely should a person drink more than 64 ounces of fluid a day. Each time you urinate-approximately 6 times a day-you should void approximately 8 ounces of urine. A bladder that feels full at less than 4 ounces of volume would never be considered normal. If this symptom is new, you must first consider an infection such as a bladder infection as the cause of your symptoms. A simple urine culture is therefore done to rule out or rule in this possibility. The most common reason for urinary frequency that is not related to infection or drinking excessively is the feeling of pressure caused by muscles that are hypertonic. As we discussed previously this finding of hypertonic muscles is found in at least 85-90% of patients who are found to have bladder pain syndrome / interstitial cystitis. Getting rid of the bladder pain and helping the muscles to relax is the key to management of this particular symptom. The best approach for this annoying symptom of urinary frequency and the constant urge to urinate involves the placement of a small nerve stimulator under local anesthesia that will make this symptom resolve typically in 24-48 hours. This is called sacral nerve neuromodulation and is a very common treatment for this problem with a success rate of over 90%